What is Ahimsa? It is the first of five universal vows known as the Yamas within the Eight-Limb Path of Ashtanga yoga from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. This is a condensed explanation of the roots of Ahimsa. It simply translates as non-harming or nonviolence. It refers to non-harming in thought, word and action to oneself, another and the Earth. Ahimsa is a practice to be observant of our personal thoughts, our verbal communication and consciously attentive to our actions. As an individual living in direct relationship with everyone and everything, our choices have an impact on the collective whole.
In our yoga practice we can target the calming of thoughts/vrittis through inversions and forward bends, purify our voice by focusing on the Throat chakra/Vishuddha and practice asana to bring balance to our actions. Our yoga practice has a healing effect for oneself, translating into more peace for those we live with, our neighbor, community and the World.